Reading Guides By Title Starting With ‘s’

Famous Book Beginnings

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Oh, what a cutesy beginning that was… writing it felt a bit like taking apart a Russian doll. I’m tempted to go on forever – but enough! Let’s actually talk about how to start a novel.

Now, imagine how moving it would be to turn the very last page thinking you have finished the book, and right there you find an epigraph that reflects on everything you just read. Act One, or the first part of your novel, “The Beginning” should have the reader worrying about all of the known or anticipated obstacles that you plan to develop in Act Two, “The Middle” of your book. It is critical to hook the reader but equally important to keep her on the line. Introduce us quickly to a character that we can identify with, whether or not the protagonist.

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As long as it’s sprinkled alongside other plot and action. This direction is what I needed. I’ve had a time with the first chapter. I don’t understand the senses thing. Do you smell something every time you go somewhere?

The text has been read and studied in China for the last 2,000 years and has had a monumental impact on Chinese culture, values, art, and thought. The sacred text of Islam, the Qur’an is believed to be the last word of God told to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. This book is the cornerstone of the Islamic religion. This sacred text brought Christianity to the world and has continued to serve as a source of inspiration for millions of people. It is the most translated and the most frequently purchased book in the world. The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud.

They teach, influence, and alter the way we think. Sometimes these books are so important and enlightening that they help the world and its people evolve. The following books have done just that. They say the first sentence is the most important one of your entire story. If you can’t hook your readers with your first sentence, they won’t read on. Luckily, a great first sentence is not that hard to write. The best way to get under your readers’ skin is to create an emotion for them right away.

Take Two: The Importance Of Writing Your Story In Different Mediums

The opening line is that hook and the books on this list all have intriguing, interesting, and unique opening sentences. Conrad cautions, though, a great beginning cannot hide a poorly written story. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. Written in the 14th century, this collection of tales brought to life characters and stories that remain popular today. The Canterbury Tales also provides a glimpse into the customs and practices within the society at the time of its writing. This work is one of the most read books and one of the most studied in all the world. Many scholars suggest that Chaucer’s magnum opus contributed greatly to the popularization of the English vernacular in literature.

Big fancy “non everyday” words are a turn off for me. A gripping story with good characters is what I want to read. I’ve just written my first short story. words in 78 pages and probably have done lots of things wrong so I’ll have to go over it. Haven completed twelfe children stories two full lenght novels and a wast amount of fables , parabels and poetry , I can honestly say , that in future , I shall follow your advice to the books . The end of your first chapter is the springboard from which the reader will leap into the rest of your novel. Show them something to make them keep reading.

And yet there’s a whole world of mystery and adventure bottled up in that one sentence. “Well unlike last time when I got too involved and gave you the run arround, this time I’m going straight for the jugular and cut out all that crap about my private life”. Dickens extends his arm toward the passageway within, welcoming you to enter what promises to be an entertaining story.

Invite The Reader In

Written around 380 BCE, this text is considered to be one of the most influential pieces ever written. The Republic observes justice in man and politics and discusses the role of the philosopher in society. These titles represent some of the most influential books that examine politics, economics, and philosophy. Each of these texts had an impact on the way we understand governance. I’ve been an editor for 27 years and am only now ready to write my own novel. It’s a retelling of the story of the Garden of Eden from the perspective of the much-maligned and greatly misunderstood Eve. This time, I want you to write a quick story opening exercise in the comments below.

I believe that in every successful novel you’ll see or feel intrigue; a question has been raised in your mind and you are impelled to read on. You are pulled deeper into the story. Hooking the reader is a term you will hear often. Its importance cannot be overstressed. You must make the reader want to read more and you must do it quickly.

This story is locally well known, and so I won’t go into it here. It’s probably enough to say that in the Massachusetts Mt. Rushmore of big, gruesome tragedy, there are the Kennedys, and Lizzie Borden and her ax, and the burning witches at Salem, and then there’s me. In the fall of 1960, when I was sixteen and my father was for a time not working, my mother met a man named Warren Miller and fell in love with him. The first time Yossarian saw the chaplain he fell madly in love with him. This one is so overdone that even mentioning it seems trite. It makes perfect sense (we begin our days by waking up, so if this story is about a person’s life or day, then of course he/she wakes up to start) which is likely the reason it’s so common.

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And this quote comes from one of Chandler’s half-forgotten short stories. The author is a bit intrusive here, true enough, but it is kind of him to let us know that we’re in for a bit of unpleasantness. But if he can express such profound reluctance, it must be quite a story. This offbeat observation from Hartley’s novel of painful reminiscence is a blindsidingly original statement that one will feel compelled to read about just how the writer acquired this wisdom.

Though the first line of Margaret Atwood’s dystopia is simple, there’s an undeniably ominous tone, and it raises many more questions than it answers—an ideal start to a terrifying, mind-bending book. We love the idea of anything beginning “in the usual way” in a hotel bathroom.

Story Openers Writing Prompts

Chandler, the master of hard-bitten crime noir, makes it obvious that this story is not going to end well. You can almost hear the smoky, whiskey-soured, world-weary narration in your head.

You can have a longer starting line, too, one full of mystery that makes me think, “What happens next? ” It all depends on your style. Here are a few of my favorites. Sure, you want to put the description at the start of the book. Maybe not the first line or few lines, but certainly in the first few pages.

If a reader picked up the book and didn’t connect to that opening line, they probably weren’t our target audience. Every one of these strategies helps create an instant, authentic connection with readers. You just have to pick the one that makes the most sense for your book. You want to publish a book for a reason. Now’s your chance to show a reader why they should want to read it. In some ways, nonfiction Authors even have an advantage.

Though there are many advises from professional editors and famous writers themselves, it is still the most crucial part where your literary genius must shine. A writer can also give readers a preview of his notions and inspirations through an epigraph. Although the role of an epigraph in a work may seem very insignificant, it can be very instructive, if used cleverly. An epigraph deepens the readers’ interest in the narrative just like an appetizer increases your appetite for a meal. It can also be used in places where the writer wants to highlight a particular point with the help of an already existing concept. The use of epigraph in an original work can create something very intriguing.

Super simple, but interesting. You can open like this, if you have a vampire in your story. Whoever read the title on the cover was already informed though.

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These two works are important for their detail of Greek history and legend, the composition of story, and the development of themes. This dystopian novel describes life in a totalitarian regime that has stripped the people of their rights. The themes in this novel have become a major part of modern culture, creating terms and concepts that have been incorporated into our own society. Surveillance, truth, and censorship take center stage in this novel; no other book has contributed to our understanding of these themes like 1984. This now-famous book about a man’s hunt for the great whale is considered one of the greatest American novels ever written. Moby Dick is heavy on symbolism, but is also famous for the detailing of the whaling industry in the 19th century and its many different narrative styles and structures. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli.

They knew the story was about none other than the vampire Lestat. We are not sure why the execution is happening, but we know violence is casting a dark shadow over fond childhood memories. The opener oscillates between the Colonel’s past, present and future; the tensions between all those times and feelings make for a story opener loaded with emotions; and all of this in only 26 words. Annoying to read, but you could argue “Blame the writer of the letter, and not the writer of the book…” Why the official tone? Inquiring minds want to know .

You write the second sentence to make them curious about the third one. After all, it’s YOUR story, and you can start it however the heck you want. More so, YOU know best how to start it, because this story comes out of YOU. I actually wrote an entire post about how you can create plot by establishing questions . Check it out if you need guidance for your story line. This free PDF is a summary of the post, including all of its opener examples. Download it, print it, and quickly go through it next time you need inspiration and guidance for an opener.

Because that’s what fancy language is about, isn’t it? You making sure that everyone knows you’re smart.

The books are still recognizable and the story is intact. Book club recommendations & reading guides for books beginning with “S”. Want more classic sci-fi and fantasy books? Sign up for The Portalist’s newsletter and get our recommended reads delivered straight to your inbox. Hooking your reader can be extremely hard to do, so it’s good to keep a few things in mind as you’re writing. Try reading something outside your comfort zone. Maybe some Ken Kesey or Margaret Atwood or Tom Wolfe.

One of my favorite books is John Dies at the End. I liked most of Sinclair Lewis’s books , even though he was an insecure, &, tortured man. Mark Schorer has the best biography on him. Another book everyone should read. I remember I loved this book from the very first sentence. I read this in grade school, and was mesmerized by it at the time. I’m almost afraid to give it a go once more, because I may be disappointed.